Press Room

Press releases and news from the The Association of Asset Management Professionals

AMP will participate as a conference sponsor and exhibitor, promoting this gathering of Asset Management leaders, investors and professionals, whose central theme is Reliability as a Transformational Factor. The event will be led by Terrence O'Hanlon, CEO/Publisher® and Maura Abad, VP of Operations. Enterprise-Wide Reliability Transformation is this year's theme for The Reliability Conference® 2025, a® event that brings together the most outstanding leaders and organizations that have made Asset Management ...
During the 38th International Maintenance Conference, the CRL Black Belts award ceremonies were held and chaired by Terrence O'Hanlon, CEO & Editor of and Executive Director of the Association of Asset Management Professionals, together with Maura Abad, Vice President of® and Global Director of Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM). As part of the agenda, the WIRAM Lunch and WIRAM Panel were held with the outstanding participation of women who have demonstrated leadership and expertise in ...
New WIRAM Chapters, new Black Belts, new Badges, creation of the Advocate of the Year Award, sponsorship of major Maintenance, Reliability and Asset Management conferences, and many more developments took place in 2024, all to enhance the service we provide to Asset Management professionals and organizations around the world. Our Asset Management Visionaries Podcast, Shaping tomorrow, has been a resounding success with our community members. At AMP, the Association of Asset Management Professionals, we are preparing to enter ...
Durante el WIRAM LATAM Summit realizado en Octubre de 2024 por Women in Reliability and Asset Management, brillantes mujeres profesionales compartieron con los asistentes sobre un tema de especial valor: cómo emprender desde el enfoque del negocio de la confiabilidad y la gestión de activos. Claudia Martínez, Psicóloga y Coach, fue una de las ponentes del evento, y su charla “De emprendedora a empresaria” se enfocó en cómo conectar internamente con nuestros mejores recursos emocionales y psicológicos para tener éxito.   “Invierte ...
El tema central del WIRAM LATAM Summit 2024 “Afrontando los retos del emprendimiento en la ingeniería”, profundizó en las herramientas más importantes para tener éxito en el emprendimiento en el área de ingeniería y gestión de activos, tanto económicos, técnicos y financieros, como emocionales. Gestionar adecuadamente las emociones puede marcar la diferencia entre el éxito o el fracaso a la hora de emprender.   ·         Desde Perú, Stefanie Aguayo conversó con los presentes sobre la importancia de entender y afrontar el mundo emocional, ...
La presidenta y fundadora de IDC Ingeniería de Confiabilidad fue una de las conferencistas invitadas a la WIRAM LATAM Summit 2024, la cumbre anual para Latinoamérica que realizó Women In Reliability and Asset Management el pasado 21 de Noviembre, cuyo tema central fue el emprendimiento en el entorno de la gestión de activos. “La decisión que tomes en tu vida implica retos y nosotros tenemos que empezar a ver las oportunidades que hay a través de los retos”. Con estas palabras María Alejandra Martínez, Presidenta y fundadora de IDC Ingeniería ...
Karla De Gracia en WIRAM LATAM Summit 2024  La autora del libro “ ¿Cómo emprender sin morir en el intento? ” desarrolló una interesante exposición durante el WIRAM LATAM Summit realizado el 21 de Noviembre de 2024, el cual resume parte de su experiencia como emprendedora y nos deja valiosas lecciones acerca de cómo afrontar los desafíos para poder cumplir nuestros sueños y metas. La cumbre anual para Latinoamérica, WIRAM LATAM Summit 2024, constituyó uno de los eventos más importantes del año desarrollado por Women in Reliability and Asset ...
The event, organized by the Australia-New Zealand chapter of Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM), is a showcase of the impact of women in business, entrepreneurship and the Asset Management industry, and the mobilizing power of this organization as an agent of change to achieve a more equitable, inclusive and secure world for all. The synergy, integration and desire to continue growing was felt at the recent CHRISTMAS EVENT WIRAM 2024, an event organized by WIRAM Australia-New Zealand Chapter, hosted by Karina Machado, director ...
Mindset coach Jowita Penkala developed an interesting topic in the webinar held by Women in Reliability and Asset Management: the importance of developing self-awareness routines that protect mental health and the proper functioning of the brain, and how to manage subconscious thoughts to achieve success, health and inner peace. Thinking, receiving information from the outside, processing it and elaborating a response is something we all take for granted. Thinking, feeling, perceiving and having self-awareness are acts of the mind. The brain ...
Esta cumbre es parte del trabajo que desarrolla Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM) para crear espacios seguros en donde las mujeres en el mundo de la ingeniería y la gestión de activos puedan seguir creciendo y desarrollándose, a nivel personal y profesional, creando nuevas conexiones, adquiriendo conocimientos y compartiendo experiencias. Un viaje hacia el descubrimiento personal, el empoderamiento y la capacidad de impulsar nuestras vidas fueron las ideas principales del WIRAM LATAM Summit que tuvo lugar el pasado 21 de Noviembre, ...
With just a few weeks to go before the end of 2024, we want to share with you what this year has been like for us, all the work we have done through our Chapters and the extent of our commitment to the development and dissemination of Reliability and Asset Management around the world. For the Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP) , the most important priority remains maintaining the spirit of excellence and continuous improvement that defines the Reliability Journey. During this year we have conducted webinars, Certified Reliability ...
El evento se realizará el próximo 21 de noviembre de 2024, desde las 4:00pm hasta las 5.30pm, con la participación de reconocidas profesionales de la región. El desarrollo de la Confiabilidad y el Asset Management en el mundo dependen, en gran medida, del compromiso de miles de profesionales que trabajan para aplicar estos principios en sus empresas y obtener mejores resultados operacionales, financieros y de seguridad industrial. La Association of Asset Management Professionals (AMP) es la organización que trabaja para crear conciencia y ...
At Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM) we have a clear purpose: to highlight the role of women in the world of reliability and asset management. Women professionals in the industry create solutions and make contributions that enable organizations to achieve exceptional results in terms of economic performance, asset lifecycle management, operational excellence, digital upgrade and many more. But why is this so important to highlight? Well, because the number of women in the Reliability, Industrial Maintenance and Asset Management business ...
On September 11th, a Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM) webinar was held, as part of the monthly activities that this organization carries out to highlight the role of women and their contributions in the Reliability and industrial maintenance environment. Paddy Douglas, Antarctica WIRAM Chapter Director and asset management expert, gave a magnificent presentation in which she shared the challenges of working as an industrial maintenance engineer in one of the most rugged and extreme regions of the planet. Antarctica is the ...
Facundo Adamo, Director of Maintenance Engineering at Tenaris, presented the first webinar organized by this Chapter, where he explained how to implement the Maintenance Engineering function, the steps to create a department and the ideal profile of the industrial maintenance professional. As part of the activities of the Association of Asset Management Professionals, the AMP Argentina Chapter Meeting was held on August 29th, which brought together several experts to discuss Maintenance Engineering and the impact of this function in organizations ...
The Director of the Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM) LATAM Chapter, Venezuelan by birth and Mechanical Engineer by profession, defines herself as passionate about Reliability, Maintenance and Asset Management, and has developed a solid professional career working in various industries where she has put her skills and talents to the test. Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM) is the organization that works to make the role of women in the reliability and asset management business more visible. Belonging to the Association ...
On August 29th, a new Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM) LATAM webinar session was held under the leadership of Gabriela Mejía, Director of the LATAM Chapter of this organization. The guest speaker was the expert Rosa Reissmann, who explained step by step how to implement new technologies aligned with business objectives.    A new webinar for the LATAM region was held by the organization Women in Reliability and Asset Management (WIRAM), led by Gabriela Mejía, director of the LATAM Chapter, with Rosa Reissmann, Tech-Caddy ...
The WIRAM LATAM session had as a special guest Loreto Carvallo, an industrial engineer of Chilean origin who experienced firsthand the challenge of creating the vaccine by Pfizer during the COVID 19 pandemic.  Every four years the month of February has 29 days. And it was on this special date that the WIRAM session was held with special guest Loreto Carvallo, impeccably led by Gabriela Mejías, LATAM Director for Women in Reliability and Asset Management, WIRAM, the organization that seeks to make women visible in the world of engineering and ...
In industry, business and public office, women are gaining more and more space and prominence. Professional women, entrepreneurs, CEOs, women in all areas of scientific, political, economic and social development are serving and using their talents to build a better world. WIRAM, Women in Reliability and Asset Management, is the international organization that aims to highlight the role of women in the world of Reliability and Asset Management, a field traditionally occupied by men. Affiliated to the Association of Asset Management Professionals ...
The Association of Asset Management Professional (AMP) will contact all certified professionals at least six months before certification expires to invite them to take the recertification process. CRL and CMM certification upgrades have new fees effective May 1, 2024. Once the new certificates are issued, they will be valid for three years. Professional certifications are increasingly gaining importance in the competitive world of business and industry. The best qualified professionals invest time, effort and resources in obtaining ...

Podcast #8 With Scott Smith

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A CRL Black Belt Journey

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